Tuesday, October 26, 2010


In general I am an extremely anxious person. I am fairly sure that I have GAD general anxiety disorder. It steams from the fact that I am a control freak and I start to worry about things that I cannot control. Such as the people in my life who take more risks than I do and don't always think about the consequences. I will worry myself until I am physically sicks for days on end over things that I cannot do anything about. Steven says that I should be on Xanax or something along those lines but I cannot stand taking any medication that is not dire.

Currently I am completely stressed about my classes. I have just decided to switch my major to psychology. The reason for the switch is I cannot stand any of my current classes. I do not find them interesting at all, I don't want to end up spending 4 years taking classes I despise to end up with a job I despise. One of my biggest fears is that at 30 i'm going to hate my life and want to start over. I know it maybe naive and childish but I just want to get it right the first time.

I have my life loosely planned out right now in my head. Graduate, go to grad school if necessary, find a house that I can afford (preferably an older home), move in with my significant other, travel, get engaged, get married, have a kid. I want to do all of this in the next 10 or so years. It is completely ridiculous that I an almost 20 year old college student has this all planned out to a T. I will start to worry about what happens if I fall off track and don't have my significant other in time or can't get preggers right away. I don't want to have the kid with the "older parents". My boy on the other hand is the complete opposite and has nothing planned out. He just lives life as it comes, he follows through with his commitments when he makes them and always pays his bills on time but just doesn't worry.

I am so unbelievably jealous, I wish I could just be as carefree as he is but I don't think its in my genetics. I have the mom gene. I am the one who keeps track of everyone knows where we are going, takes care of the girl who is too drunk and make sure no ones loses their cell phone at the party. I keeps band aids in my purse in case someone gets a blister. I try to be prepared for everything but it feels like nothing works the way I plan  it, but I can't stop planning.

Any suggestions?

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